Responsible for content according § 5 TMG:
Karlsruher Fächer GmbH
Zähringerstraße 72, 76133 Karlsruhe
Phone.: 0721-1332401
Reg.Gericht Mannheim HRB 105780
Managing director: Klaus Lehmann
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Bürgermeister Daniel Fluhrer
USt-IdNr. DE811187006
Karlsruher Fächer GmbH & Co. Stadtentwicklungs-KG
Zähringerstr. 72, 76133 Karlsruhe
Phone.: 0721-1332401
Reg. court Mannheim HRB 105220
Komplementärin: Karlsruher Fächer GmbH
Managing director: Klaus Lehmann
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Bürgermeister Daniel Fluhrer
USt-IdNr. DE244001954
Supervisory board KFG und KFE:
Daniel Fluhrer
Christina Bischoff
Annette Böringer
Lüppo Cramer
Thorsten Ehlgötz
Mathilde Göttel
Tom Høyem
Irene Moser
Dirk Müller
Thorsten Frewer
Leonie Wolf
Christine Weber
Michael Zeh
Design & Programming:
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To pay the parking fee for your parking session, you can choose from the following options:
1. Before the exitEnter your licence plate number at the pay machine and pay by EC-/Giro- or credit card.
2. After leaving within 48 h.
2.2 Enter your licence plate number on the website and pay by credit card or PayPal. You do not need to log in or register. All you need is your normal internet browser. All you need is your normal internet browser.
2.3 Alternatively, you can use the Autopay Park & Charge mobile app instead of the website:
Apple Appstore:
Google Playstore:
You can also have your parking sessions billed automatically when you exit the car park: To do this, register at before you leave. Enter and save the licence plate and your credit card in your profile and activate automatic payment for the licence plate. You will then also find your receipt in your profile.
The monitor at the exit shows the payment status and also reminds, if necessary, of the subsequent payment within 48 h by displaying a red exclamation mark.
Please note that in accordance to the General Terms and Conditions of Parking, further charges will be made after 48 h after exit without payment.
The prerequisite is registration at with entry and saving of the licence plate number and a credit card.
Connect your EV to the type 2 connection of the EV charger using your own cable.
Scan the QR code on the wallbox or log in to your Autopay profile and enter the charging station ID under the menu item “Charging”.
The maximum parking period is 3 weeks in accordance with the parking conditions.
Longer periods must be requested. Please contact us in that case. Please send us an email before starting the parking process:
Placing and storing objects is prohibited.
Have a good trip and see you next time!
Important for season tickets:
Please ensure that you always sign in with your season card on entry and sign out on exit, as the facility is equipped with an attendance check to protect the bicycles.
Cards can be renewed at the pay machine.
To do this, your bicycle, which you registered with the card, must still be at the station. The renewal is retroactive from the time the card expired.
The same public law regulations apply as in the public road space. Please report the incident to the police.
As a car park operator, we can only be held liable if the damage was caused by our facilities or by our employees. Of course, we will be happy to support you within the scope of our possibilities.
You have to report any damage. It Is the law. Fahrerflucht (Hit and Run) is a crime under german law.
If the parking garage and/or its facilities are affected (e.g. oil stains), please report this to and call our emergency service on 0721 / 9819110.
In the event of damage to another vehicle, please remain at the scene of the damage
until you can inform the injured party of the damage and/ or call the police. Even for minor damages, you might otherwise face accusations of hit and run.
The parking of motor homes, trailers, trucks or other special types of motor vehicles, as well as unregistered motor vehicles is not permitted in any of our parking areas.